Prerequisite: Beginnings

Somewhere around high school, I drifted from my belief in God. I wasn't the flaming atheist, but everything I thought about as it related to my life was absent of God or a god. School filled me up with Evolution which replaced Creation as fact in my life. There was also plenty of situational ethics and no absolutes. I lived a godless life without even thinking about it.

Slowly over time, I started considering the issues of God. I knew I had to make a decision in some way. I wanted God to prove Himself to me, but He wouldn't. You can't come to know God on your own terms but only on His. I took a leap of faith and believed. "Now will you show me, God?"

With "Pascal's Wager" in mind and beholding all the wonders of the world, I set out to allow God to confirm Himself to me. I found interesting tidbits such as the moon is exactly the right size and distance from the Earth to allow the Earth to sustain life. By chance? I don't think so. Shoot just believing that life came from nonlife takes more faith than to just believe in a Creator.

Getting to the point where it was becoming obvious that there is a God. How can we know who or what god is correct? An answer for another time.

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1 Responses to “The Search”

  1. # Blogger Michelle

    I was at my most heavily religious in high School teens. "Heavy" as in that was the time I was the most mainstream in my bible reading beliefs. In my early twenties something happened that made me believe God had let me down. Looking back I know it was my inability to look beyond my own nose, but at the time I was just such a mess.

    So I went from loving God to being angry with Him (We made our peace a long time ago),but I never could pull off not believing He existed.

    For me knowing was never an issue, but my choice of "path" in worshipping/following Him was. My own feeling is that this is always deeply personal - between the person and God. IMO there is no one single path, there is God, and in Him anything is possible.  

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About Me

The purpose of this blog is for me to keep track of my own spiritual journey. Anyone is welcome to agree, disagree, debate, whatever they want to do, but my goal is for this to be a learning experience for myself. Hopefully, others will help me learn and perhaps learn something themselves. In it, I will not tell others what or how to believe, but will only share my beliefs and experiences.

